Clinging to God While Starting A New Relationship

It’s so easy to shift away from God while starting a new relationship. It’s something new and exciting. Finally, it feels like your prayers have been answered by the appearance of a God-fearing man entering your life. But the thing we forget as soon as God allows someone to enter our life is to pray. We are so quick to cater to his new person in our life that we totally forget about God.

The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever. 

Isaiah 40:8

Yes. I am guilty of this. I admit it. We all go through that cycle where we get someone, they break our hearts, and then we all of sudden want to cling to God. We tend to only cling to God when we need something or we feel like we’re not going to make it alone emotionally. Why do we do that? We pray and pray for things (it doesn’t have to be a man) and as soon as we get it, it’s like God doesn’t even exist anymore. We need to learn that we should not only cling to God in the rough times, but in the happiest times too.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Psalms 119:105

Do not stop reading your Bible consistently because you’ve added a new person into your social schedule. Your journey has been going nice, it’s been going well. Don’t let a distraction from a man, whether he’s the one or not, disrupt you from reading God’s word. I fell short of that. Being single for so long while developing a stronger relationship with Christ through prayer and scripture, reading God’s word had become something I did in my everyday routine. But as soon as my attention was caught from another person, I began to slack and I regret it. Although it wasn’t the person himself negatively distracting me, there are some men in this world that will negatively distract you from God’s word. But it was me. I take full responsibility because it was me who was not reading my Bible like I was doing before I made this minor commitment.

Never stop praying.

1 Thessalonians 5:17

In your new relationship be sure of who you are in Christ. We are not perfect. We strive to be like Christ but we are not Him. We are always going to fall short because after all we are human. But always try your absolute best to put Him first in everything you do. Not only by reading your Bible and thanking Him for all He has done, but by praying to Him consistently for guidance and favor. In this new relationship, you will need Him more than ever. You’re getting to know a new person, and the goal is marriage, otherwise why are you in a relationship, right? Be firm in your morals and never compromise. Remember to put all your trust in the Lord because only He ultimately holds your salvation. If this man is not leading you towards Christ, if you are not growing in Christ with him? He may be a nice guy, he may go to church, but sad to say he is not God’s best for you. Before starting a new relationship, pray. Pray so many times because that confirmation from God is imperative. Save yourself from the unnecessary heartache and pain.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Some of you are probably thinking, dang girl I prayed before my last relationship and he still cheated. Well, ask yourself. What did I learn from my previous relationship? At the start of each relationship we just can’t jump to conclusions and think this is the person we’re going to marry. He could have a lot of great qualities about him but if God didn’t write it in His plan for your life then it’s just not going to happen. Each relationship we encounter in life, even cycles of our marriages, is a learning lesson for us. We learn about what we do want, what we don’t want, and what we never need to accept again. That’s life. But we must not forget to allow God to guide us through it all. The break ups, the make ups, the hard times, and the new times. Don’t forget to show God that even though he’s brought you a good man, He’s still the #1 man in your life.
